dicom2nifti.common module


@author: abrys

dicom2nifti.common.apply_scaling(data, dicom_headers)[source]

Rescale the data based on the RescaleSlope and RescaleOffset Based on the scaling from pydicomseries

  • dicom_headers – dicom headers to use to retreive the scaling factors
  • data – the input data

Function to generate the affine matrix for a dicom series This method was based on (http://nipy.org/nibabel/dicom/dicom_orientation.html)

Parameters:sorted_dicoms – list with sorted dicom files
dicom2nifti.common.do_scaling(data, rescale_slope, rescale_intercept, private_scale_slope=1.0, private_scale_intercept=0.0)[source]
dicom2nifti.common.get_fd_array_value(tag, count)[source]

Getters for data that also work with implicit transfersyntax

  • count – number of items in the array
  • tag – the tag to read

Getters for data that also work with implicit transfersyntax

Parameters:tag – the tag to read

Getters for data that also work with implicit transfersyntax

Parameters:tag – the tag to read

Getters for data that also work with implicit transfersyntax

Parameters:tag – the tag to read

Make NumPy format code, e.g. “uint16”, “int32” etc from two pieces of info: mosaic.PixelRepresentation – 0 for unsigned, 1 for signed; mosaic.BitsAllocated – 8, 16, or 32

Parameters:dicom_header – the read dicom file/headers
Returns:numpy format string

Getters for data that also work with implicit transfersyntax

Parameters:tag – the tag to read

the slice and intercept calculation can cause the slices to have different dtypes we should get the correct dtype that can cover all of them

Parameters:sorted_slices (list of slices) – sliced sored in the correct order to create volume

Use this function to detect if a dicom series is a GE dataset

Parameters:dicom_input – list with dicom objects

Use this function to detect if a dicom series is a hitachi dataset

Parameters:dicom_input – directory with dicom files for 1 scan of a dicom_header

Use this function to detect if a dicom series is a siemens 4D dataset NOTE: Only the first slice will be checked so you can only provide an already sorted dicom directory (containing one series)

Parameters:dicom_input – directory with dicom files for 1 scan
dicom2nifti.common.is_orthogonal(dicoms, log_details=False)[source]

Validate that volume is orthonormal

Parameters:dicoms – check that we have a volume without skewing

Use this function to detect if a dicom series is a philips dataset

Parameters:dicom_input – directory with dicom files for 1 scan of a dicom_header

Use this function to detect if a dicom series is a siemens dataset

Parameters:dicom_input – directory with dicom files for 1 scan

Function will do some basic checks to see if this is a valid imaging dicom

dicom2nifti.common.read_dicom_directory(dicom_directory, stop_before_pixels=False)[source]

Read all dicom files in a given directory (stop before pixels)

  • stop_before_pixels (bool) – Should we stop reading before the pixeldata (handy if we only want header info)
  • dicom_directory (six.string_types) – Directory with dicom data

List of dicom objects

dicom2nifti.common.set_fd_value(tag, value)[source]

Setters for data that also work with implicit transfersyntax

  • value – the value to set on the tag
  • tag – the tag to read
dicom2nifti.common.set_ss_value(tag, value)[source]

Setter for data that also work with implicit transfersyntax

  • value – the value to set on the tag
  • tag – the tag to read
dicom2nifti.common.set_tr_te(nifti_image, repetition_time, echo_time)[source]

Set the tr and te in the nifti headers

  • echo_time – echo time
  • repetition_time – repetition time
  • nifti_image – nifti image to set the info to

Sort the dicoms based om the image possition patient

Parameters:dicoms – list of dicoms

Validate that all dicoms have the same orientation

Parameters:dicoms – list of dicoms

Validate that volume is orthonormal

Parameters:dicoms – check that we have a volume without skewing

Validate that volume is big enough to create a meaningfull volume This will also skip localizers and alike

Parameters:dicoms – list of dicoms

Validate that the distance between all slices is equal (of very close to)

Parameters:dicoms – list of dicoms
dicom2nifti.common.write_bval_file(bvals, bval_file)[source]

Write an array of bvals to a bval file

  • bvals – array with the values
  • bval_file – filepath to write to
dicom2nifti.common.write_bvec_file(bvecs, bvec_file)[source]

Write an array of bvecs to a bvec file

  • bvecs – array with the vectors
  • bvec_file – filepath to write to