Source code for dicom2nifti.image_volume

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Jun  7 07:40:20 2013

@author: abrys
# To ignore numpy errors:
#     pylint: disable=E1101

import nibabel
import numpy

[docs]class Slice(object): """ Class containing all data for a single slice in an image volume """ original_data = None slice_orientation = None
[docs]class SliceType(object): """ ENUM like container for the slice types """ AXIAL = 1 SAGITTAL = 2 CORONAL = 3
[docs]class SliceOrientation(object): """ Class containing the orientation of a slice """ x_component = None y_component = None normal_component = None x_inverted = False y_inverted = False
[docs]def load(nifti_file): nifti_image = nibabel.load(nifti_file) return ImageVolume(nifti_image)
[docs]class ImageVolume(object): """ Class representing an imagevolume. You can provide it with a nifti and can be used to get slices in a certain direction It will take the affine matrix into account to find the correct orientation """ def __init__(self, nifti_image): self.nifti = nifti_image # assert that it is a 3D image assert self.nifti.get_data().squeeze().ndim >= 3 self.nifti_data = self.nifti.get_data() # do some basic processing like setting dimensions and min/max values self.dimensions = self.nifti_data.shape self.axial_orientation = None self.coronal_orientation = None self.sagittal_orientation = None self.__calculate_slice_orientation__() def __calculate_slice_orientation__(self): # Not all image data has the same orientation # We use the affine matrix and multiplying it with one component # of the slice we can find the correct orientation affine_inverse = numpy.linalg.inv(self.nifti.affine) transformed_x = numpy.transpose(, [[1], [0], [0], [0]]))[0] transformed_y = numpy.transpose(, [[0], [1], [0], [0]]))[0] transformed_z = numpy.transpose(, [[0], [0], [1], [0]]))[0] # calculate the most likely x,y,z direction x_component, y_component, z_component = __calc_most_likely_direction__(transformed_x, transformed_y, transformed_z) # Find slice orientiation for the axial size # Find the index of the max component to know which component is the direction in the size self.axial_orientation = SliceOrientation() self.axial_orientation.normal_component = z_component self.axial_orientation.x_component = x_component self.axial_orientation.x_inverted = numpy.sign(transformed_x[self.axial_orientation.x_component]) < 0 self.axial_orientation.y_component = y_component self.axial_orientation.y_inverted = numpy.sign(transformed_y[self.axial_orientation.y_component]) < 0 # Find slice orientiation for the coronal size # Find the index of the max component to know which component is the direction in the size self.coronal_orientation = SliceOrientation() self.coronal_orientation.normal_component = y_component self.coronal_orientation.x_component = x_component self.coronal_orientation.x_inverted = numpy.sign(transformed_x[self.coronal_orientation.x_component]) < 0 self.coronal_orientation.y_component = z_component self.coronal_orientation.y_inverted = numpy.sign(transformed_z[self.coronal_orientation.y_component]) < 0 # Find slice orientation for the sagittal size # Find the index of the max component to know which component is the direction in the size self.sagittal_orientation = SliceOrientation() self.sagittal_orientation.normal_component = x_component self.sagittal_orientation.x_component = y_component self.sagittal_orientation.x_inverted = numpy.sign(transformed_y[self.sagittal_orientation.x_component]) < 0 self.sagittal_orientation.y_component = z_component self.sagittal_orientation.y_inverted = numpy.sign(transformed_z[self.sagittal_orientation.y_component]) < 0 # Assert that the slice normals are not equal assert self.axial_orientation.normal_component != self.coronal_orientation.normal_component assert self.coronal_orientation.normal_component != self.sagittal_orientation.normal_component assert self.sagittal_orientation.normal_component != self.axial_orientation.normal_component def __get_raw_slice__(self, slice_number, slice_orientation, time_point=0): # Take the slice out of one of the timepoints of a 4 d nifti if len(self.nifti_data.squeeze().shape) >= 4: if slice_orientation.normal_component == 0: slice_data = self.nifti_data[slice_number, :, :, time_point] elif slice_orientation.normal_component == 1: slice_data = self.nifti_data[:, slice_number, :, time_point] else: slice_data = self.nifti_data[:, :, slice_number, time_point] else: if slice_orientation.normal_component == 0: slice_data = self.nifti_data[slice_number, :, :] elif slice_orientation.normal_component == 1: slice_data = self.nifti_data[:, slice_number, :] else: slice_data = self.nifti_data[:, :, slice_number] # If the x_component is larger than the y_component we need to flip # As a consequence of the retrieval of the data the y component can be first # In this case we need to swap x and y if slice_orientation.x_component > slice_orientation.y_component: slice_data = numpy.swapaxes(slice_data, 0, 1) # Flip the numpy direction to display direction (only if needed) # Beware: the left right is actually up down in the image if not slice_orientation.y_inverted: slice_data = numpy.fliplr(slice_data) if not slice_orientation.x_inverted: slice_data = numpy.flipud(slice_data) return slice_data
[docs] def get_slice(self, slice_type, slice_number, time_point=0): """ Returns a slice of the dataset. contains the window/levelled values, in uint8 slice.original_data contains the original data for this slice :param time_point: in case of 4d nifti the 4th dimension :param slice_number: the slice number :param slice_type: tye slice type (AXIAL, SAGITTAL, CORONAL) """ slice_ = Slice() slice_.slice_number = slice_number # assert that slice_ number is withing the range assert slice_number >= 0 assert slice_number < self._get_number_of_slices(slice_type) slice_data = None if slice_type == SliceType.AXIAL: slice_data = self.__get_raw_slice__(slice_number, self.axial_orientation, time_point) slice_.slice_orientation = self.axial_orientation elif slice_type == SliceType.SAGITTAL: slice_data = self.__get_raw_slice__(slice_number, self.sagittal_orientation, time_point) slice_.slice_orientation = self.sagittal_orientation elif slice_type == SliceType.CORONAL: slice_data = self.__get_raw_slice__(slice_number, self.coronal_orientation, time_point) slice_.slice_orientation = self.coronal_orientation # make a copy of the slice_ so we do not modify the orignal slice_.original_data = slice_data return slice_
def _get_number_of_slices(self, slice_type): """ Get the number of slices in a certain direction """ if slice_type == SliceType.AXIAL: return self.dimensions[self.axial_orientation.normal_component] elif slice_type == SliceType.SAGITTAL: return self.dimensions[self.sagittal_orientation.normal_component] elif slice_type == SliceType.CORONAL: return self.dimensions[self.coronal_orientation.normal_component]
def __calc_most_likely_direction__(transformed_x, transformed_y, transformed_z): """ Calculate which is the most likely component for a given direction """ # calculate the x component tx_dot_x = numpy.abs(, [1, 0, 0, 0])) tx_dot_y = numpy.abs(, [0, 1, 0, 0])) tx_dot_z = numpy.abs(, [0, 0, 1, 0])) x_dots = [tx_dot_x, tx_dot_y, tx_dot_z] x_component = numpy.argmax(x_dots) x_max = numpy.max(x_dots) # calculate the y component ty_dot_x = numpy.abs(, [1, 0, 0, 0])) ty_dot_y = numpy.abs(, [0, 1, 0, 0])) ty_dot_z = numpy.abs(, [0, 0, 1, 0])) y_dots = [ty_dot_x, ty_dot_y, ty_dot_z] y_component = numpy.argmax(y_dots) y_max = numpy.max(y_dots) # calculate the z component tz_dot_x = numpy.abs(, [1, 0, 0, 0])) tz_dot_y = numpy.abs(, [0, 1, 0, 0])) tz_dot_z = numpy.abs(, [0, 0, 1, 0])) z_dots = [tz_dot_x, tz_dot_y, tz_dot_z] z_component = numpy.argmax(z_dots) z_max = numpy.max(z_dots) # as long as there are duplicate directions try to correct while x_component == y_component or x_component == z_component or y_component == z_component: if x_component == y_component: # keep the strongest one and change the other if x_max >= y_max: # update the y component y_dots[y_component] = 0 y_component = numpy.argmax(y_dots) y_max = numpy.max(y_dots) else: # update the x component x_dots[x_component] = 0 x_component = numpy.argmax(x_dots) x_max = numpy.max(x_dots) if x_component == z_component: # keep the strongest one and change the other if x_max >= z_max: # update the z component z_dots[z_component] = 0 z_component = numpy.argmax(z_dots) z_max = numpy.max(z_dots) else: # update the x component x_dots[x_component] = 0 x_component = numpy.argmax(x_dots) x_max = numpy.max(x_dots) if y_component == z_component: # keep the strongest one and change the other if y_max >= z_max: # update the z component z_dots[z_component] = 0 z_component = numpy.argmax(z_dots) z_max = numpy.max(z_dots) else: # update the y component y_dots[y_component] = 0 y_component = numpy.argmax(y_dots) y_max = numpy.max(y_dots) return x_component, y_component, z_component