Source code for dicom2nifti.resample

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

@author: abrys
import nibabel
import nibabel.affines
import numpy
import scipy.ndimage

[docs]def resample_image(input_nifti): """ Resample a gantry tilted image in place """ # read the input image input_image = nibabel.load(input_nifti) output_image = _resample_gantry_tilted(input_image) output_image.to_filename(input_nifti)
def _resample_gantry_tilted(original_image): """ In this function we will create an orthogonal image and resample the original data to this space In this calculation we work in 3 spaces / coordinate systems - original image coordinates - world coordinates - "projected" coordinates This last one is a new rotated "orthogonal" coordinates system in mm where x and y are perpendicular with the x and y or the image We do the following steps - calculate a new "projection" coordinate system - calculate the world coordinates of all corners of the image in world coordinates - project the world coordinates of the corners on the projection coordinate system - calculate the min and max corners to get the orthogonal bounding box of the image in projected space - translate the origin back to world coordinages We now have the new xyz axis, origin and size and can create the new affine used for resampling """ original_size = original_image.get_data().shape voxel_size = original_image.header.get_zooms() # Calculate the x and y axis as is (we assume these to be at 90 deg to each other) # We will then create a new z axis that is perpendicular to the new x,y plane x_axis_world = numpy.transpose(, [[1], [0], [0], [0]]))[0, :3] y_axis_world = numpy.transpose(, [[0], [1], [0], [0]]))[0, :3] x_axis_world /= numpy.linalg.norm(x_axis_world) # normalization y_axis_world /= numpy.linalg.norm(y_axis_world) # normalization z_axis_world = numpy.cross(y_axis_world, x_axis_world) # calculate new z y_axis_world = numpy.cross(x_axis_world, z_axis_world) # recalculate y in case x and y where not perpendicular # get all corners in image coordinates points_image = [[0, 0, 0], [original_size[0], 0, 0], [0, original_size[1], 0], [0, 0, original_size[2]], [original_size[0], original_size[1], 0], [original_size[0], 0, original_size[2]], [0, original_size[1], original_size[2]], [original_size[0], original_size[1], original_size[2]]] # get all corners in world coordinates points_world = [] for point in points_image: points_world.append(numpy.transpose(, [[point[0]], [point[1]], [point[2]], [1]]))[0, :3]) # project all points on the axis # this will give the cooridites in "mm" but with the orientation of the new image # image coordinates projection =, axis) projections = [] for point in points_world: projection = [, x_axis_world),, y_axis_world),, z_axis_world)] projections.append(projection) projections = numpy.array(projections) # get the lowest and highest x, y, z in "projection" space min_projected = numpy.amin(projections, axis=0) max_projected = numpy.amax(projections, axis=0) # calculate the image origin in world coordinates origin = min_projected[0] * x_axis_world + \ min_projected[1] * y_axis_world + \ min_projected[2] * z_axis_world # calculate the new image size in mm new_size_mm = max_projected - min_projected new_voxelsize = [abs([voxel_size[0], 0, 0], x_axis_world)), abs([0, voxel_size[1], 0], y_axis_world)), abs([0, 0, voxel_size[2]], z_axis_world))] new_shape = numpy.ceil(new_size_mm / new_voxelsize).astype(numpy.int16) new_affine = _create_affine(x_axis_world, y_axis_world, z_axis_world, origin, new_voxelsize) combined_affine = numpy.linalg.inv(new_affine).dot(original_image.affine) matrix, offset = nibabel.affines.to_matvec(numpy.linalg.inv(combined_affine)) new_data = scipy.ndimage.affine_transform(original_image.get_data(), matrix=matrix, offset=offset, output_shape=new_shape, output=original_image.get_data().dtype, order=1, # 0 nn, 1 bilinear, ... mode='constant', cval=-1000, prefilter=False) return nibabel.Nifti1Image(new_data, new_affine) def _create_affine(x_axis, y_axis, z_axis, image_pos, voxel_sizes): """ Function to generate the affine matrix for a dicom series This method was based on ( :param sorted_dicoms: list with sorted dicom files """ # Create affine matrix ( affine = numpy.array( [[x_axis[0] * voxel_sizes[0], y_axis[0] * voxel_sizes[1], z_axis[0] * voxel_sizes[2], image_pos[0]], [x_axis[1] * voxel_sizes[0], y_axis[1] * voxel_sizes[1], z_axis[1] * voxel_sizes[2], image_pos[1]], [x_axis[2] * voxel_sizes[0], y_axis[2] * voxel_sizes[1], z_axis[2] * voxel_sizes[2], image_pos[2]], [0, 0, 0, 1]]) return affine