Source code for dicom2nifti.image_reorientation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Aug  1 16:10:56 2013

@author: vterzopoulos, abrys
# To ignore numpy errors:
#     pylint: disable=E1101

from __future__ import print_function

import nibabel
import numpy

from dicom2nifti.image_volume import load, SliceType

[docs]def reorient_image(input_image, output_image): """ Change the orientation of the Image data in order to be in LAS space x will represent the coronal plane, y the sagittal and z the axial plane. x increases from Right (R) to Left (L), y from Posterior (P) to Anterior (A) and z from Inferior (I) to Superior (S) :returns: The output image in nibabel form :param output_image: filepath to the nibabel image :param input_image: filepath to the nibabel image """ # Use the imageVolume module to find which coordinate corresponds to each plane # and get the image data in RAS orientation # print 'Reading nifti' image = load(input_image) # 4d have a different conversion to 3d # print 'Reorganizing data' if image.nifti_data.squeeze().ndim == 4: new_image = _reorient_4d(image) elif image.nifti_data.squeeze().ndim == 3: new_image = _reorient_3d(image) else: raise Exception('Only 3d and 4d images are supported') # print 'Recreating affine' affine = image.nifti.affine # Based on where slice orientation 1 represents the axial plane # Flipping on the data may be needed based on x_inverted, y_inverted, ZInverted # Create new affine header by changing the order of the columns of the input image header # the last column with the origin depends on the origin of the original image, the size and the direction of x,y,z new_affine = numpy.eye(4) new_affine[:, 0] = affine[:, image.sagittal_orientation.normal_component] new_affine[:, 1] = affine[:, image.coronal_orientation.normal_component] new_affine[:, 2] = affine[:, image.axial_orientation.normal_component] point = [0, 0, 0, 1] # If the orientation of coordinates is inverted, then the origin of the "new" image # would correspond to the last voxel of the original image # First we need to find which point is the origin point in image coordinates # and then transform it in world coordinates if not image.axial_orientation.x_inverted: new_affine[:, 0] = - new_affine[:, 0] point[image.sagittal_orientation.normal_component] = image.dimensions[ image.sagittal_orientation.normal_component] - 1 # new_affine[0, 3] = - new_affine[0, 3] if image.axial_orientation.y_inverted: new_affine[:, 1] = - new_affine[:, 1] point[image.coronal_orientation.normal_component] = image.dimensions[ image.coronal_orientation.normal_component] - 1 # new_affine[1, 3] = - new_affine[1, 3] if image.coronal_orientation.y_inverted: new_affine[:, 2] = - new_affine[:, 2] point[image.axial_orientation.normal_component] = image.dimensions[image.axial_orientation.normal_component] - 1 # new_affine[2, 3] = - new_affine[2, 3] new_affine[:, 3] =, point) # DONE: Needs to update new_affine, so that there is no translation difference between the original # and created image (now there is 1-2 voxels translation) # print 'Creating new nifti image' nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Image(new_image, new_affine).to_filename(output_image)
def _reorient_4d(image): """ Reorganize the data for a 4d nifti """ # print 'converting 4d image' # Create empty array where x,y,z correspond to LR (sagittal), PA (coronal), IS (axial) directions and the size # of the array in each direction is the same with the corresponding direction of the input image. new_image = numpy.zeros([image.dimensions[image.sagittal_orientation.normal_component], image.dimensions[image.coronal_orientation.normal_component], image.dimensions[image.axial_orientation.normal_component], image.dimensions[3]], dtype=image.nifti_data.dtype) # loop over all timepoints for timepoint in range(0, image.dimensions[3]): # Fill the new image with the values of the input image but with mathicng the orientation with x,y,z if image.coronal_orientation.y_inverted: for i in range(new_image.shape[2]): new_image[:, :, i, timepoint] = numpy.fliplr(numpy.squeeze(image.get_slice(SliceType.AXIAL, new_image.shape[2] - 1 - i, timepoint).original_data)) else: for i in range(new_image.shape[2]): new_image[:, :, i, timepoint] = numpy.fliplr(numpy.squeeze(image.get_slice(SliceType.AXIAL, i, timepoint).original_data)) return new_image def _reorient_3d(image): """ Reorganize the data for a 3d nifti """ # Create empty array where x,y,z correspond to LR (sagittal), PA (coronal), IS (axial) directions and the size # of the array in each direction is the same with the corresponding direction of the input image. new_image = numpy.zeros([image.dimensions[image.sagittal_orientation.normal_component], image.dimensions[image.coronal_orientation.normal_component], image.dimensions[image.axial_orientation.normal_component]], dtype=image.nifti_data.dtype) # Fill the new image with the values of the input image but with matching the orientation with x,y,z if image.coronal_orientation.y_inverted: for i in range(new_image.shape[2]): new_image[:, :, i] = numpy.fliplr(numpy.squeeze(image.get_slice(SliceType.AXIAL, new_image.shape[2] - 1 - i).original_data)) else: for i in range(new_image.shape[2]): new_image[:, :, i] = numpy.fliplr(numpy.squeeze(image.get_slice(SliceType.AXIAL, i).original_data)) return new_image